
Thought Leadership + Practical Advice

Customers Are At The Heart Of Business Growth – Part 2

CUSTOMER FRAME Customers are at the heart of business growth - Part 2

Last week we talked about the importance of putting customers at the heart of everything you do. This week we look at customer care from an internal perspective.

A Strategic Approach To Customer Care

In our view, it is crucial that business leaders have a clear view of how their businesses service different client groups, and how their operational plans contribute to client satisfaction, repeat business and referrals. These are the lifeblood of a burgeoning business.

We believe that customer insight is key to attracting and retaining customers.

Having a customer service program is great, but do you know what switches your customers on or off? In fact, when was the last time you asked your customers this very question?

Regularly review your customer engagement program – make sure what you’re doing is still relevant to your customers, take a look at what your competitors are doing, review new trends or opportunities.

In essence, try to stay ahead of the pack.

Get Feedback Straight From The Horse’s Mouth

• What do they like / don’t like about dealing with your business?
• What do you do well?
• What could you do better?
• What could you offer them that you currently don’t?

As well as reviewing your own business practices, looking at what your competitors are doing (and how customers feel about them) can provide valuable business improvement ideas.

Customer Management and Care

Having someone responsible for taking care of your customers is AS important as the sales team that signs them up!

Happy customers will not only purchase more from your business, but they will tell more people about their experience, driving prospects and revenue as if they themselves were your employee.

Treating your customer and prospect base as if you existed in a goldfish bowl (don’t goldfish have memories of 5 seconds?) not only drives inefficiencies and waste in your business efforts, but it alienates your poor customer who only wants to be remembered. And valued.

A consistent approach to customer care across the business is key.

An overarching strategy is required to manage the customer experience at all engagement points along the customer journey with your business, whether this is with the sales person, the IT help desk or the delivery serviceman – all customer encounters reflect on your business, improve or damage the customer relationship and ultimately, determine future purchases and referrals.

Consider This:

• What is the customer journey with your business?
• What are you doing as a business at each of these points, to take care of your customers?
• Where are the customer ‘pain points’ and where could you lose them to a competitor?
• What is your customer care philosophy?

So, how are you performing in your customer’s eyes? Ask them. They’ll love you for it.

Sueanne Carr CUSTOMER FRAME Co-founder Superhero

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