Council is a key catalyst to region recovery.
Now more than ever, Councils need to understand their customers, beyond faceless statistics to who they are + what they need to thrive in these uncertain times.
This increased pressure is generating greater strain on Council resources. With a larger volume of enquiries, a need to attract new investment, higher demand for development approvals + a struggling business community, now is the time to make a bigger difference.
How do you do more with the resources you have? How do you ensure you’re making the greatest impact for your community + your region?
At Customer Frame, we believe the key to economic recovery lies in customer. Why? Because the customer is the ultimate reason organisations + businesses exist.
Councils are not a monopoly + customers have a choice. They can leave (+ take their economic value with them) or worse, they can stay + undermine all that you are trying to achieve.
Focus on customer + do more with less.
Councils that are truly Customer-led enjoy greater community trust + confidence, lower avoidable contact + resource waste, enhanced public reputation + higher employee satisfaction + engagement.
For the community, it helps to develop civic pride, a greater respect for Council + a better quality of life.
Satisfied customers are 9x more likely to trust the agency providing the service
Satisfied customers are 9x more likely to agree an agency is delivering on its mission
Dissatisfied customers are 2x more likely to reach out for help 3+ times
Dissatisfied customers are 2x more likely to publicly express dissatisfaction
Long-term organisational success is 50% driven by organisational health + is mutually reinforced by customer experience
Source: Global results from Canada, France, Germany, Mexico,
United Kingdom, and United States, McKinsey Public Sector Journey
Benchmark Survey, 2018.
Your Three-Step Plan to accelerate your region’s recovery through customer
+ become a truly Customer-led Council
Sueanne Carr + Peter Turner
Founders, Customer Frame
We bring deep sector expertise, with Customer-led change + transformation projects for Councils government agencies across the world.
By putting the customer at the heart of everything they do, we’ve proven that government agencies can have:
You’re operating in a complex environment with increasing expectations + often competing priorities from a variety of stakeholders.
By mobilising your people around the customer, you improve collaboration across departments + break down the silos in your Council.
Becoming a Customer-led Council + keeping everyone happy can seem like an enormous task. But it doesn’t have to be.
Our proven, simple, three-step approach has been specifically designed for Councils who want to become Customer-led but don’t know how.
Simple. Effective. Impactful.
Your Three-Step Plan to accelerate your region’s recovery through customer
+ become a truly Customer-led Council
Are your results not where you want them to be + you’re unsure why? Do you want to unlock new levels of efficiency, effectiveness + engagement for your Council?
Without a roadmap, it is difficult to know what to do + where to focus your effort for the greatest impact. As your customer is the ultimate reason your Council exists, it pays to start here.
Go beyond gut-feel + opinion to get an expert view on where you
are today + where you need to focus to fulfil your objectives + become a Customer-led Council.
The perfect place to start, this quick diagnostic process provides a snapshot view of the current situation within your Council + provides the mandate for becoming Customer-led. It is conducted through three targeted interviews set within the context of the Customer Strategy Framework™,️ processed into a succinct report.
Three key people from your Council who provide the best perspectives
into where customers sit today, such as:
Conducted via three in-depth interviews, held onsite or on Teams,
we get to the heart of your issues through an intentionally crafted
set of questions to reveal:
The Initial Diagnostic is your focused plan-on-a-page to kickstart your journey to becoming a Customer-led Council by:
The Initial Diagnostic is your focused plan-on-a-page to kickstart your journey to becoming a Customer-led Council by:
For a fixed cost, your Council will receive:
Pricing excludes travel costs.
Your Three-Step Plan to accelerate your region’s recovery through customer
+ become a truly Customer-led Council
Does it feel like your Council is delivering band-aid solutions instead of addressing the core issues? Are you unsure where to start to make the most impact?
A ‘customer-first’ mindset is not about having a snappy slogan – it is a structured, planned + strategic process that is a whole-of-Council capability.
Our Customer Kickstarter is a half-day intensive session where we help you identify where you are today, your strengths + gaps, + what you need to focus on to make the greatest impact for your region.
As a strategic planning tool, the Customer Kickstarter is most suited to senior leaders + decision makers, typically the CEO, Senior leadership team + Functional Managers.
Through an engaging, educating + energising half-day workshop, our team will:
The Customer Kickstarter is the strategy focus + action tool providing the solid
foundation for becoming a Customer-led Council, through:
Your Council will receive:
Pricing excludes travel costs.
Your Three-Step Plan to accelerate your region’s recovery through customer
+ become a truly Customer-led Council
Are your teams operating in isolation, disconnected from your purpose + strategy? Is apathy holding you back from achieving your goals? Has your team lost sight of what you do + who you do it for?
The customer is everyone’s business – not just the ‘Customer Services’ team. From boardroom to back-office, the key to becoming Customer-led is to engage your people at all levels + get them collectively focused on putting the customer first.
Our 90-minute working sessions bring your people together around the Why, What + Who of being a Customer-led Council. We give them a voice + reconnect them to why they come to work everyday.
Everyone. ‘Customer First’ sessions are for the whole organisation – all levels, all functions, internal + external facing, field + office based.
We host a series of highly engaging + interactive 90-minute sessions that bring together your people to actively explore:
The ‘Customer First’ sessions are guaranteed to engage, educate + energise your teams, acting as the catalyst for Council-wide culture change. Leave with:
Delegates leave with a clear message of the importance of customer, how their roles play a crucial part in region success + that ‘customer’ is everyone’s business.
Facilitated by the Customer Frame Founders, your Council will receive:
Online delivery options also available.
Pricing excludes travel costs.
Your Three-Step Plan to accelerate your region’s recovery through customer
+ become a truly Customer-led Council
Scenic Rim Regional Council had been through an immense period of disruption + change. The Executive Leadership Team engaged Customer Frame to help them to create the Customer-led vision, strategy + action plan required to address their challenges + become a truly Customer-led Council.
Through extensive engagement with Councillors, customers + staff, our team undertook a series of internal + external focus groups, staff engagement events + customer surveys to reveal the needs of customers + the roadblocks within Council to meeting those needs.
A key catalyst was establishing a Customer Charter outlining Council’s promises + commitments to customers, setting the direction for the whole team + creating the foundation for the first ever Customer Experience Strategy.
The work, one of the first of its kind in local government, has been regarded as the ‘gold standard’ approach by Council + key stakeholders.
Moreton Bay Regional Council (MBRC) recognised that region economic success is directly linked to Council becoming more business responsive. That is, understanding who customers are, what they need + what Council needs to do to close the gap.
To create a solid foundation for Council’s vision for a ‘Bigger. Bolder. Brighter.’ region, the MBRC senior leadership engaged Customer Frame to put customer front + centre in the rollout of their new Regional Economic Development Strategy.
Through our Customer Kickstarter + ‘Customer First’ sessions, we helped Council identify the gaps in their operations, enabling teams to focus on collective action, all around the ultimate reason they exist – their customer.
Get started on your journey to becoming a Customer-led Council + enjoy the benefits of having your people, your Councillors + your customers aligned + focused to grow your region.
Through our proven, three-step approach, your Council will come
away with:
Get on board – go beyond economic recovery to sustainable region prosperity by putting the customer at the heart of everything you do.
Your Three-Step Plan to accelerate your region’s recovery through customer
+ become a truly Customer-led Council
Download our three-step solution to share with colleagues + gain support
Book a call with us to discuss your
Council’s specific needs + how our
program can help
Call us direct or email us to book
in + start your journey
Call: 1300 162 997 Email: [email protected]
Download our brochure for your three-step plan to becoming a Customer-led Council to reduce costs, increase impact + accelerate recovery.
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