The Evolution of Customer Needs: What does it tell us?

History can provide valuable insights into customer needs and how they have evolved over time.  By studying the past, we can gain a better understanding of the factors that have influenced customer preferences and behavior and how companies have adapted to meet their needs. 1900s For example, in the early 20th century, mass production techniques […]

Customer Satisfaction vs. Customer Advocacy

Customer satisfaction and customer advocacy are two terms that are often used interchangeably in the business world, but they are not the same thing. While customer satisfaction is important for any business, customer advocacy takes things to the next level.  Let’s look at the difference between customer satisfaction and customer advocacy, and why both are […]

Why is Customer Experience important to businesses?

In today’s competitive marketplace, businesses are finding it increasingly difficult to differentiate themselves from their competitors. One way to stand out from the crowd is by providing exceptional customer experiences. Customer experience (CX) refers to the overall experience that customers have with a business, from the first interaction to the last. A positive customer experience […]

7 ways to build customer-centric capability in an organisation

In today’s competitive business environment, building a customer-centric capability is essential for any organisation that wants to succeed.  A customer-centric organisation is one that puts the customer at the heart of everything it does. It is an organisation that listens to its customers, understands their needs, and delivers products and services that meet those needs.  […]

How to build Customer Profiles for your business or organisation

Having an understanding your customers is the foundation for every successful business or organisation. It allows you to tailor your products, services, and marketing efforts to meet their needs and preferences, ultimately leading to greater customer satisfaction, loyalty, and revenue. In our experience, building customer profiles is a useful tool to achieve this goal. What […]

The Benefits of Customer Journey Mapping

Customer journey mapping is a powerful tool that helps businesses understand and improve their customers’ experiences. It is the process of visualising and mapping out each step of a customer’s journey, from their initial awareness of a product or service through to the point of purchase and beyond. Journey mapping applies in many scenarios. In […]

7 ways to exceed customer expectations

In today’s competitive business landscape, exceeding customer expectations has become a critical component for the success of any company. With customers having access to numerous options, companies need to go above and beyond to deliver exceptional service that keeps their customers loyal and happy.  It’s no longer enough to simply meet customer expectations – you need […]

3 Most Common Pitfalls for Large Organisations

Large organisations are often seen as pillars of stability and success in the business world, but they are not immune to the common pitfalls that can derail even the most well-established companies. In fact, as the scale of operations and complexity of the business grows, so too do the risks of making missteps that can […]

Customer Behaviour: The Paradox of Choice

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the number of choices available to you? It’s one of the reasons we proactively avoid shopping for new reading glasses every year. There’s just so many! You get to that point where they all start to look the same and it makes deciding exponentially more difficult. Incidentally, it also […]